Let?s talk about the soundcard ISIS, which replaces the Home Studio 64 (the best soundcard for its quality/price ratio, but it has nevertheless some little drawbacks, especially on the audio and digital outs, with a high softening near 20kHz, which alter the hearing and the mix: we tend to reinforce the very high-pitched frequencies which we find again after having burnt the mix inside the computer) :.
In conclusion, if the by-pass monitoring (that is to say without passing through the software) doesn?t bother you, this is THE IDEAL SOUNDCARD for a quality home studio, without spending a fortune.
Honestly, I did not have bad surprises with this soundcard. That?s true you have to reboot, but only in order to use the soundcards effects during videogames (otherwise, it works very well through the rack). No need of the Windows mixing board, the 8/4 one functions very well? And the whole perfectly works with Cubase in 16bits 48kHz.
Last Wednesday, I recorded the drums of my band?s songs, from 9p.m. to 6 a.m. (congratulations to the drummer!), well, the ISIS did not make any bad plan? And, finally, that sounds well (certainly not as well as with a Midiman at 113dB in 24bits/96kHz that costs 10,000 francs, sure?). The Midi is not bad at all, even if, for me, my SC55 is a bit more dynamic. But, well... I?m quibbling...
Frankly, the ideal would be to listen to it quietly? Indeed, the guy who presented it in the MusicMania Show would have acted in the same way if he had sold washing powder...